Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Original Equality

Today is our second wedding anniversary. In celebration of two years of our legally recognized love we plan to bring our mail-in ballots to the official ballot drop-box. Voting is indeed the one thing that can turn around 2020. Will it fix everything automatically? Absolutely not. By the end of this week the Republicans will no doubt have voted through an illegitimate and politically biased nominee into an unabashedly stolen Supreme Court seat. The debate about “Originalism” when it comes to the Constitution sadly remains an abstract philosophy to too many who continue to not recognize their own privilege. But for any of us who aren’t wealthy straight cis-white men (and the people who rely on wealthy straight cis-white men for their status and protection – cough, cough, wealthy straight cis-white women, cough), the Constitution as it was originally written simply does not consider us people. It does not consider us equal with rights that are unalienable. And it does not consider us worthy of the full exercise of our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. So, no, we (including Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and every other person of color, women, members of the LGBTQ community, et al) are not Originalists. But we are worthy of full equal rights – every last one of us. So vote for Democrats up and down the ballot. For Joe and Kamala. For Democratic governors and senators and congresspeople. For Democratic mayors and city council members and school board trustees. Vote for the one party capable of winning and bringing more people those unalienable rights. Vote. Our continued place in the Constitution depends on it.


  1. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Written like someone who gets all their "news" from corporate propagandists. Sorry, the democrats are as corrupt, vile, and evil as their counterparts. It's called divide and conquer. Keep the proles fighting while the oligarchs literally get away with murder. I detest the right, but the absolute disregard for decency and human rights that blm and antifa have displayed ( bullying old people and pets, looting, arson, and murder aren't "peaceful protests" sorry anyone with an internet connection can see this egregious behavior.) are truly horrific and make the left look like a gang of Bullies who can't get over the fact that they lost. And hunter Biden? Seriously? Joe is an imbecile. Period. And Kamala is bought and paid for, slept her way to the top and would sell you and me down the river in a second.


  2. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Obviously, Anonymous above needs their own blog to share their opinions.

  3. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Anonymous^^ is probably paid by the word to repeat all those Trumpian talking points.

  4. Carmen San Diego8:46 AM

    Happy wedding anniversary DS and Mrs DS!

  5. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Happy anniversary! And if you haven’t seen it yet you might enjoy What the Constitution Means To Me

  6. One week belatedly, happy second wedding anniversary!
    I hope you have many many more!
    Great video! Chicago's Mayor Lori Lightfoot puts it very clearly and succinctly!
    At the time of the writing of the Constitution the founding fathers' were for the most part misogynistic racists. Trump's judicial nominees have by and large embraced the most misogynistic and racist writings and court decisions they can find and use in their decisions.
    If the previous omitted/redacted opinions and writings of would-be-judge on the SKCOTDKKKS (Supreme Kangaroo Court Of The Dictatorial Ku Klux Klan States) Judge Anus Conwoman Barfett are any indication, decisions during her proposed tenure might approximate an amalgam of Phylis Schlafly on steroids and Pontius Pilate - only far less benign.

  7. Texas gets a (deservedly) bad rap as an ignorant backwater (thanks in large part to our idiotic senators and state government). But it hasn't always been like that. Texas is also the home of Barbara Jordan, Ann Richards, Mark White, Bob Bullock, Molly Ivins, Beto O'Rourke, Lupe Valdez, Wendy Davis and Joaquin and Julio Castro. Times are changing. With less than 10 days in the election cycle, Texas has become a swing state. We are fed up and pissed off!!!!
