Monday, September 28, 2020

Music Monday: Star-Spangled Edition

Well, as we all knew would happen, that Orange Stain has rushed his nomination for Supreme Court to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Amazing how quickly Republicans can move if they want to. The Democratic-led House passed a second coronavirus relief bill in May 15 (fucking MAY) and here we are 137 days later and still nada from the GOP Senate. So instead for the past six months every American has had to live on the $1,200 stimulus check sent to us back in April (fucking APRIL). And that’s not even getting into the some 395 other bills sitting dead on Mitch McConnell’s desk. But now suddenly they’re extremely ready and extremely excited to confirm a life-time appointment to 48-year-old Amy Coney Barrett.

This is woman who in the next 30 some years she could be on the court will absolutely strip from women the right to control their own bodies (abortion is healthcare, pass it on), deny LGBTQ people non-discrimination protection (and she’s not thrilled about our marriages either), ensure corporations continue to be allowed to pollute, exploit, overwork, underpay & even kill its workers (the corporations are people party), limit the right to vote (Voting Rights Act says hello), and - of course - eliminate everyone’s access to affordable healthcare (buh-hye, Obamacare, buh-bye). All this just 36 days before the election. Mind you, when Antonin Scalia died it was 237 days before the 2016 election, but Senate Republicans were aghast (AGHAST) that a replacement nomination even dare be considered in the year of a presidential race thus not allowing the American people to have a voice. Sigh. It would be nice if both parties played and were held to the same rules.

Amid all this (don’t forget, the pandemic isn’t over just because you’re over it), it’s really (really, really, reallyreallyreally) easy to get down on the United States. Like, we suck - I know. It’s hard feeling patriotic. Even if Biden wins, there is so much work to be done and damage to fix. And, guaranteed,Trump will still take at least 45 percent of the vote, - probably more. Which means almost half of our country wants (WANTS) four more years of this. I just. Please vote for Democrats (imperfect as they are, and they are imperfect) all the way up and down the damn ballot. You vote for the candidate who has the best chance of winning and doing the most good for the most people in a presidential election. Period. Good luck, America. We’re gonna need it. Happy Monday, kittens.


  1. Well , Mr Baldy Orange Face IS promoting her so she HAS to be bent (like the rest of the Administration) .

  2. Carmen San Diego8:45 AM

    I remember being so optimistic when they blocked Merrick Garland.... “whatever, Hillary will pick someone even more liberal”
    Dark times lie ahead....

  3. Lest we forget: Electoral College is choosing the winner. Our votes really do not count.
    Party lines decide the votes. /&%$℗+×=<&%$#/...

  4. Osiris4:52 PM

    I'm cautiously optimistic. At least the nominee is a woman.

  5. Anonymous5:25 AM

    The Bi Partisan "Problem Solvers" actually came up with a rather nice p[lan weeks ago that had our stimulus in it in addition to money for states and s 3rd stimulus payment if the virus is still raging in February, but Pelosi blocked it.

    I am a progressive who is sick to death of Nancy Pelosi. SAhe's ngot6ta and and be replaced by any other person.
