Thursday, August 06, 2020

Their Milkshake Brings All the Girls

I know there aren’t a lot of things to look forward to right now. But, there is at least one thing, which is “Gunpowder Milkshake.” The movie description says, “Gunpowder Milkshake will follow three generations of female assassins who, over the course of a single night, fight to stop a cycle of violence.” Which, cool. And then you read the roster: Karen Gillan, Lena Headey, Angela Bassett, Michelle Yeoh and Carla Gugino. So that’s a lot of things to look forward to, actually. The film finished filming last year, and is now awaiting release. Which, uh, yeah. Who knows when that will happen. But with a cast that great and a premise this interesting, I think it’ll be worth the wait.

p.s. Here is Lena strangling Karen with what appear to be socks. Like I said, something to look forward to indeed.


  1. My favourite florist - have to watch this.I still dream of opening a flower shop with Luce and we live happily ever after :)

  2. Carmen San Diego8:19 AM

    I would pay money to watch it on demand
