Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tank Top Batwoman

By now you have probably heard that Ruby Rose will be replaced as Batwoman by Javicia Leslie. The out bisexual actress will be the first Black woman to portray the superhero. And that, in and of itself, is pretty darn exciting.

I’d been a tad perplexed by the show’s powers that be choosing to replace instead of just recast the departed Ruby Rose and her character Kate Kane. It’s definitely not unprecedented to switch Darrins/Beckys mid-show. And Kate Kane is so identified with the original Batwoman of comics lore it seemed…odd? I meant the whole thing with Ruby leaving so abruptly was odd. And while I think she did fine in the role, it cannot be said that she is one of the great actresses of our time. Though, goodness, was she easy to look at. But to just reboot the Batwoman character entirely with an entirely new character playing her? I had my doubts.

But the news instead is truly great. The more people who are allowed to finally see themselves in the stories we tell always the better. Javicia will play a brand new character, Ryan Wilder, who will slide (or tug, I dunno, that things seems like it might need some baby powder to get on) into the Batwoman suit instead. Her past TV credits include BET’s “The Family Business” and CBS’s “God Friended Me.”

Her Batwoman character Ryan is described as:

“likable, messy, a little goofy and untamed. She’s also nothing like Kate Kane, the woman who wore the Batsuit before her. With no one in her life to keep her on track, Ryan spent years as a drug-runner, dodging the GCPD and masking her pain with bad habits. Today Ryan lives in her van with her plant. A girl who would steal milk for an alley cat and could also kill you with her bare hands, Ryan is the most dangerous type of fighter: highly skilled and wildly undisciplined. An out lesbian. Athletic. Raw. Passionate. Fallible. And very much not your stereotypical All-American hero.”
Granted some of this description is begging for the eye-roll emoji. The first Black Batwoman will be an “untamed” “former “drug-runner” who isn’t your “stereotypical All-American hero” and also steals milk from alley cats? Um, OK. Sure. But, I’ve been engaged enough in the show and its championing of a lesbian champion for the masses that I will definitely give it a shot. And, well, Javicia does look good in tank tops. And it is Tuesday.

p.s. My only other request, dear hair and makeup gods, please let her keep that glorious hair instead of that awful red wig. It would be a crime not to, and she is a crime fighter, sooooo.


  1. Carmen San Diego8:18 AM

    As a butch I never get to see myself on screen so,even though Ruby isn’t the butchest it was nice to see
    I wish they had recast. Bex Taylor-Klaus or Stephanie Beatriz would be great...
    Hell, not even The L Word gives us representation... Sigh

  2. Anonymous10:10 PM

    I mean I’m gonna risk it here: THIS WOMAN IS GORGEOUS!!! Yes all caps. Yes representation of a Black woman superhero in an iconic role. I’m. Here. For. It. Also: better than Ruby I feel confident in declaring this before her debut. Re previous comment, but the mad swagger coming off those pics is RIDIC and thousand times more than RR could dream of serving *hot damn*
