Monday, May 11, 2020

Music Monday

Yes, more joyful noise for your Monday. This time it comes courtesy of our queer brothers in the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus. They created a virtual chorus to sing a mashup of “Brave” and “True Colors” in honor of healthcare workers and first responders putting themselves at unspeakable risk to fight for us through this global pandemic. I’ve seen the SFGMC live a handful of times and they’re always inspiring and lovely and fun. Now, isn’t that a great way to start out a week?


  1. I really , really needed to see this today. Thank you and have a safe and healthy week Dorothy.

  2. Carmen San Diego6:21 AM

    Stay safe DS

  3. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Brought me to tears. There was a time when gay men did not live to be older - and seeing so many older men singing really touched my heart. Watching AIDS barrel through the community and take so many of my male friends resonates now with Covid. Our losses were devastating but the community survived. We will survive Covid as well.

  4. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Absolutely beautiful, I so needed this today!
