Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Every Day is Kate-urday

Well SNL tried another one of its at-home, quarantine editions of the show. The first one felt strangely perfect for all of its imperfections it had a freeing weirdness to it that was particularly endearing in this moment. The second show was more polished, and also felt less personal. Somehow, they managed to have a few skits still drone on, even without the full cast and extras and crew to pad things out. But there were a few sketches that stood out. Plus Brad Pitt’s Dr. Fauci was what we used to call a “water cooler moment,” back when we still travelled to an office to work with other people whom we also sit near and then take breaks simultaneously while gathered closely together around a water dispenser which is used communally and rarely if ever cleaned. You know, normal work stuff. Unsurprisingly, the skits I liked the most featured Kate McKinnon because, well, Kate McKinnon. I loved the Bartenson’s Grocery ad because of its specificity, which made me snort laugh on a couple occasions. On our big shop before the shutdowns happened I remember going past the bottled water aisle and, wouldn’t you know it – Dasani was the only brand left on the shelf, all alone. I mean, how is it possible to make water people don’t like?

Anyway, one of my other favorites was Kate reprising her role as the Whiskers R’ We cat lady worker displaying her available “bottom of the barrel nobodies” at the rescue. They are, of course, all Kate’s real-life son/cat Nino Positano. Two Kates plus cats? Well, maybe this won’t be such a bad week after all.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen San Diego10:58 AM

    Felin-ona Apple aahaha
    The thing I’m I enjoying the most during the quarantine episodes is seeing their houses.
