Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Portrait of a Lady Social Distancing

It’s funny how a GLOBAL PANDEMIC can change your view of basically everything. Like, a couple weekends ago when I was rewatching “Portait of a Lady on Fire,” my brain hadn’t yet been conditioned to view the entire world through a Social Distance lens. But now, seeing this gif sequence is more like a cautionary tale. It’s soothing to see them at first standing apart in masks (which, to be honest, everyone should have but, to be even more honest, is a fucking criminal travesty that medical professionals can’t get right now). But then, well, things deteriorate from there.

My Coronavirus Brain now watches this scene like this:

Not exactly 6-feet but at least some distance – though I am certain those are not N95 masks.

Wait, no, move the opposite direction. The opposite!

Ahhhh, we have a breach! BREACH!

*Indistinguishing Gurgling Noises Followed by a Hasty Retreat Indoors With All the Windows and Doors Shut Tight*


  1. Thank you for keeping my spirits up ,looking forward to your blog everyday. From Thursday midnight we (South Africa) are in lock down for 21 days. Wishing you good health Dorothy.

  2. Carmen SanDiego6:30 AM

    I laughed. I needed that
    Thank you for being there for us Kittens
    You’re an essential service DS

  3. Exactly. Everything I watch now, I am seeing in this way. "Too close!" I say softly, out loud.

  4. Is there a way to watch this movie on line?
