Monday, March 30, 2020

Killing Time

In these terrible and trying times, I think it’s best to start each week out with something positive. If you can even remember what day of the week it is anymore. Monday, right? And what is more positive than the quasi-love story between a homicidal psychopath with impeccable taste in clothes and the object of her affection and mutual obsession who keeps making inappropriate life and work choices while veering dangerously toward a nervous breakdown? And now with clowns? Yes, “Killing Eve” is coming back for its third season – and early at that. The show’s premiere was moved up two weeks because what the world needs now is Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer, obviously. What’s gonna happen? I have no idea! And that’s the elegantly deranged beauty of this show – I have absolutely no idea what is gonna happen next and I love it. Have a healthy and safe week, kittens.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen SanDiego6:35 AM

    That IS just what the world needs now
