Monday, March 23, 2020

Daily Life

Well, things are decidedly not normal in the world. I am headed into my second full week of self-isolation at home, with my whole state under a stay at home order by the governor. Both my my wife and I are still working as are jobs have been deemed "essential." Luckily I get to work from home, but she is still going into her workplace. That orange turd in the White House continues to lie his way through daily briefings where he only makes things worse and more dangerous for the most vulnerable among us. Oh, and I successfully taught both my 60-something in-laws and the 78-year-old mother how to do a video call on Zoom meeting. So, as I am sure it has been for all of you this past week, it has been a lot. I will continue to try to update daily, even if somethings small. It is nice to be able to find a little joy amid the chaos of these coronavirus times. May you be healthy and well through these terrible times. Stay home, stay healthy. Be well, kittens.


  1. Jules6:33 PM

    And to you

  2. All my best wishes to you, to your wife,
    and prayers for all of the victims of that disgusting impeached cheeto satan.
    Hugs and kisses xx <3

  3. Carmen SanDiego12:49 PM

    It is definitely nice
    Stay safe and healthy DS and Snarker Families

  4. My solace came from watching Mae Martin's Feel Good on Netflix. Check it out!
