Saturday, December 28, 2019

Pre-L: LA Times

Damn, Christmas is over and everyone is horny for the New Year. Or, you know, each other. Yes, Virginia, there are more “The L Word: Generation Q” screeners which means more Pre-Ls for you. This week, buckle in because everyone wants to get some.

As a result, this week’s Pre-L is particularly spoilery. So if you wanna live it in real time, come back after the episode airs on Sunday. And if you want to know the dirty dirty right now, well come sit closer to me. Also, you know, fairly NSFW per usual.

1) There’s a penis joke in here somewhere, I swear.

2) Pausing here answers so many questions.

3) In all honesty, this touching bit of continuity makes my heart ache in the best way possible.

4) I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom!

5) There’s a “My Precious” joke in here somewhere, I swear.

6) This is your face. This is your face on drugs. Fuck, we should all be doing more drugs.

7) Were we ever that young?

8) Being an adult means knowing you should always skip the tequila shots.

9) It’s stupid how much I love seeing the three of them together.

10) It still feels almost like a dream that we can legally get married.

11) Not being an adult means thinking free drinks means drink freely.

12) I can’t be the only one who assumed Alice had a daytime talk show, right?

13) When you have a really terrible idea.

14) When you have an even worse idea.

15) When you actually have a really good idea.

16) Admit it…

…Threesome look hot…

…But are actually logistical nightmares.

17) I mean as trolls go, this is pretty epic.

18) Whoa. Uh, do not get divorced, Shane.


  1. Carmen SanDiego6:24 AM

    Oh yay. More Pre-L!

  2. Carmen SanDiego6:25 AM

    But what does one get Shane McCutcheon for her 40th birthday though?

  3. Agree with you Dorothy , my heart just feels so happy to see the three of them together.

  4. Carmen SanDiego7:14 AM

    I’m so glad you posted a screenshot of the texts, I was gonna try to rewind and pause it several times.
    And I don’t care that lesbian bars don’t exist anymore, I want a “Dana’s” tshirt
    I love the three of them together, don’t care about the new characters.

  5. Bday present for Shane has to be sunglasses!

  6. yay Dorothy does it again smashes a review outta la lol no seriously hitting all the right spots I mean places oh darn get it together woman lol and when they do the selfie all 3 of them you almost expect to see not just dana but Helena tina kit jenny even but looking forward to seeing it all soon its a shame theres only 8 episodes right we do want a 2nd series of this right or not
