Friday, November 15, 2019

My Weekend Crush

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a billionaire times - corporations are not your friend. Corporations care about money, period. Their only goal is to sell you something to make more money. But, having said that, it is also true that corporations follow the zeitgeist. And as such, they can be a reflection of our values. And, on the rarest of rare occasions, they can make art that moves us in the most unexpected ways. (Again, with the end goal being to make money, but I digress.)

So imagine my surprise when the best lesbian film of 2019 so far is a dialogue-less, 2-minute car commercial from French automaking corporation Renault. I am not being hyperbolic when I say I would watch a whole movie about these two women. Hell, I would watch a multi-season show about these two women. In fact, I kind of demand it. Look, if you can’t beat late stage capitalism, at least let’s milk it for all the nuanced, poignant and moving looks at queer women in love we can get. Happy weekend, all.


  1. sappho966:10 AM

    And one of them is French so that gets bonus points!

  2. Anonymous8:36 AM

    That was the most emotional and epic 2 minutes of my life

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I feel like I’ve been on a 2 minute rollercoaster, it’s so beautiful :0 WHO SPLASHED THIS WATER ON MY FACE?! NOTHING HAPPENING HERE, MOVE ALONG NOW.

  4. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Love is love.

  5. Whoever owns the rights to the story of these two women, act now! Turn this into a full-on film with this director and these same actresses! Then take. My. Money.

  6. Anonymous12:38 PM

    It's a masterpiece!

    And in the same week I saw this, see link, Belgian commercial which also made me cry ugly tears. It's about this young boy who wants to get a doll from Sinterklaas (which is our Santa Claus) and.. well see for yourself. :)

  7. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Wow, just WOW!!

  8. Heidi2:06 AM

    Yes, yes, yes, to all of this, especially your framing of this beautiful thing. You rock.

  9. Jules3:29 PM

    That’s good
