Thursday, August 29, 2019

Teenage Fantasy Fulfillment

I did not watch “Beverley Hills 90210” when I was younger. While I was in the right age bracket for the show, I was always a “My So-Called Life” kind of gal instead of a “90210” kind of gal while growing up. So I don’t particularly feel any nostalgia about the new, very meta “BH90210” reboot. It’s the old 90210 actors playing themselves while working on a project to reboot “90210” and play their old characters again. Like, uh, what? But then I heard they made Gabrielle Carteris/Andrea Zuckerman kiss a lady and I thought, what a blatant ratings stunt…I am totally going to watch that. It helps that they cast Ali Liebert as her kissee.

I will say, the few episodes of “90210” I did watch, I always related to Andrea Zuckerman the most. I mean, she worked on her high school newspaper and I worked on my high school newspaper. She wore glasses and blazers and those awesome 90s vests. And I wore glasses and aspired to wear blazers and those awesome 90s vests.

So you really can’t blame Ali for taking her shot and hitting on Gabrielle/Andrea.

I would do the exact same thing were I ever to ever be working as a bartender and serve Claire Danes.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen SanDiego7:13 AM

    Not just that but did you see how queer the meta-show show runner character looks? Hmmm I wonder if they’re gonna hook up
    But hey, I won’t complain. We could use more coming out later in life storylines
