Monday, July 15, 2019

When Cheekbones Attack

Hey, remember when I said I could take or leave the live-action Disney classic remakes? Well, besides the new “Mulan?” I forgot one. I very much enjoyed the recentering of the “Sleeping Beauty” story a.k.a. “Maleficent.” And now I can’t wait for its sequel, “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” a.k.a. “Attack of the Cheekbones.”

I honestly don’t care about the plot or whether Princess Aurora gets to marry her handsome prince. I just care that Angelina Jolie and Michelle Pfeiffer square off wearing shit like this.


  1. What is with the British accents??

  2. Carmen SanDiego9:10 AM

    Two of my roots together in one movie... all it needed was Michelle Rodriguez and Jo from the Facts of Life
