Thursday, July 18, 2019

Literary Fuck Thursday

Well, now, doesn’t this look just – scrumptious. The last of the Carol Effect movies to make it to the big screen is finally here. And while I know not to get my hopes up for a happy ending with “Vita & Virginia” (given the real-life history of its subjects Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West), I can’t help but feel all swoony about this none the less. Literary lesbianism, period costume, ladies kissing ladies? Well, call it the “Gentleman Jack” Effect, but my expectations are not low – to say the least.


  1. It kind of looks though like it might include her suicide - which might make it super depressing.

  2. Carmen SanDiego6:52 AM

    I hope it’s not too depressing

  3. It does look scrumptious - I will be praying for a sapphic happy ending and the beginning of more on-screen sapphic happiness - the world needs a lot more of it.

  4. I love Virginia and have read all her books. Vita's son wrote Portrait of a Marriage which is also a good read about Vita and Virginia. Glad they get this exposure for a new generation to discover.
