Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Zoie The North

Um, Canada, have you been holding out? I checked my local listings and “Pure,” “WGN America” and “Detective Krochak” are not a thing on my American telelvision set. So what’s up? Are you hoarding all the Zoie Palmer to yourselves up there? Granted, you just won our National Basketball Association Championship. I get it, You The North and all. But it really isn’t neighborly to not share.

p.s. We’re really, really sorry aboot our president, too.


  1. Anonymous3:31 AM

    What can I say, we love our Zoie. Also, if you can find somewhere to watch it, check out our newest Canadian comedy treasure, Jann. Jann Arden and Zoie Palmer and tons of Canadian jems and reference. Go Canada eh.

  2. I would watch Zoie read the phonebook aloud---so good! Miss her on Lost Girl very much.
    This series is on Hulu.

  3. Zoie also plays Jann Arden's sister in a comedy called Jann (Arden's a well known singer up North). Zoie is funny AND she sings some, too!
