Monday, June 17, 2019

The Most Interesting Psychopath in the World

I sincerely apologize in advance, but I’m about to have one of those, “Oprah, Uma. Uma, Oprah.” moments. So here goes. Jodie Comer, meet Tatiana Maslany. Tatiana Maslany, meet Jodie Comer.

Why, do you ask? Because few other actress working on television today are as thoroughly impressive and undeniably chameleon-like as Tatiana Maslany. But Jodie Comer is one of them. While I loved her in the first season, I was astounded by her in the second season. Her Villanelle is one of the most electrifying anti-heroines on screen right now. She is The Most Interesting Psychopath in the World, and then some.

The way, in particular, Jodie can make her eyes light up with perverse joy during a kill is, like, goddamn. Just as impressive is her ability to switch accents and personas on a dime, which only furthers deepens the Tatiana comparisons. And – as far as I can tell – they haven’t once used her real accent, which as a Liverpudlian is a sweet scouse.

In short, Jodie Comer is very, very, extremely, extremely impressive and is it weird that if I had to be murdered, I would want to be murdered by her?


  1. Sarah6:42 AM

    Concur! She is amazing!!

  2. Carmen SanDiego8:55 AM

    So very talented
    I hope she’s nominated for awards this season
