Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Beautiful Game

This being the very last week of Pride Month, I thought I’d share some love for some of our fiercest (and in this case fittest) famous LGBTQ folks. Megan Rapinoe has been unabashedly out, loud and proud since 2012 – and wears a lot more than just a captain’s armband on her sleeve. The only reason her kneeling in solidarity against police brutality/racial inequality during the national anthem since 2016 hasn’t caused the firestorm of Colin Kaepernick because, well, this is women’s sports and you can barely get people to pay attention to us on a good day. But, world watching or without, she has been steadfast and unapologetic and unsparing in her criticism of our current political climate. In short, she’s not going to the fucking White House. And, really, no one should with that absolute garbage human being residing there. Don’t pretend what’s happening now is normal; this is America wallowing in its worst impulses. So, yeah, don’t go to the fucking White House.


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:59 AM

    Oh captain, my captain!

  2. Well said and thank you Megan Rapinoe!!!!!! This needs to become a viral movement.

  3. Aretha Jones5:55 AM

    No need to swear, though.

    'When they go low, we go high'. is still good advice.

  4. Anonymous8:36 PM

    It’s the best reason to swear
