Friday, June 28, 2019

My Pride Weekend Crush

On this the final weekend of Pride Month, please remember that while Pride started as a riot on the streets, the most important riot will always be the one inside of our hearts. The riot that starts when we realize and to admit to ourselves our own differentness and ends when we embrace and acknowledge that very same differentness to the world. Coming out is always a personal choice. And no one should be forced out before they are ready. The goal will always be to create a world where every LGBTQIA person feels safe and protected and loved enough to come out whenever she, he, they, them want. Yes, you – you right there – you are a person. May standing together underneath this big umbrella of sexual orientation and gender identity otherness be the light and joy of all of our lives. So get out there, kittens, and celebrate the hell out of all of our beautiful differentness. Have yourself a gay old riot, kittens. Happy Pride Weekend, all.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this. Have a wonderful weekend Dorothy.

  2. Carmen SanDiego7:25 AM

    Thank you for your writing and all your work keeping up this blog. It’s my favorite and my first stop every morning.
    Have a great Pride weekend DS and Mrs Snarker

  3. Karen3:42 PM

    I avoid Pride Events like the plague. Over-crowded sweaty messes. Am I the only one who likes to be in bed with a book by 10pm?

  4. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I randomly found the series on Netflix on the 4th (must have missed this post)and after finishing it and sobbing while it ended. Thought WHY hasn't snarker talked about it? are ahead of the game as usual. I loved, loved this series so much. It was beautiful from start to finish. Have a wonderful vacation.
