Monday, April 08, 2019

Music Monday: Brandi Edition

So last month Brandi Carlile was featured on CBS Sunday Morning. The news show called her “The most popular musician you’ve never heard of. The one all the cool kids already adore.”

And by “cool kids,” they should have just said “lesbians.” Well, lesbians and Barack Obama and Bradley Cooper (some of her highest profile fans). But, as a quick scan of her audiences will tell you, it’s us queer gals who have loved her from the start. And we will continue to love her. And we’ll even let the rest of the world in on the secret.

p.s. Sorry for the weird video, it is the only one I could find.


  1. Brandi on a Monday morning , nice way to start the week. Have a good one Dorothy.

  2. Carmen SanDiego5:55 AM

    Great choice
