Monday, March 11, 2019

Somemovie Like You

Well now, isn’t that fun. Like, really, really fun. Like more fun than a rom-com has looked in a long while. See what a difference a slightly different perspective and some underrepresented voices make. Plus, queer women of color, Gina Rodriguez and secret “Pitch Perfect” lesbian Brittany Snow. Yeah, like I was saying, fun.


  1. Carmen SanDiego8:50 AM

    Aww that does look like fun

  2. 'Someone Great' looks like it will be fun movie to watch. I will be looking forward to watching it when it comes out on NetFlix on April 19th.. What with NetFlix having purged so many lesbian movies recently I had been very worried that NetFlix might have been captured by misogynistic homophobes. I am hoping their hosting this movie will allay some of my fears.

  3. Anonymous9:17 PM

    I watched the clip for Dewanda Wise who is gorgeous but I don't think I'll watch the movie because I don't want to give Gina Rodriguez any support given her views on black people and especially black women. She's incredibly problematic as she embodies the same ideals and rhetoric that non-POCs use to discredit and diminish other races but plays the victim when called on her b.s. This woman literally said her dad is black so she can't be racist. That and the fact that she's Latin makes her feel like she has the right to disparage and diminish which emboldens others to use her as an example as in "see blacks think they are more privileged than others even this Latin woman thinks so".
