Wednesday, March 27, 2019

End of a Broad Era

I didn’t seriously start watching “Broad City” until its third season, mostly because I’m a dummy who does dumb things like not start watching “Broad City” until its third season. But since then I’ve gone back and watched every episode and really enjoy the New York City, hipster, stoner, millennial, gross-out, feminist, zany, Jewish, female empowerment, BFF comedy. It’s like if “Girls” and Cheech and Chong had a really smart and funny and hijinks-prone bisexual baby.

The show is about to complete its fifth and final season (the finale airs Thursday *deep sobs between bong hits*). Now the show has never shied from showing the pansexual desires of Ilana, played by the wonderfully physical Ilana Glazer. But this season it explored Abbi’s bisexuality, which coincides with real-life actor Abbi Jacobson’s own sexuality.

And what’s most wonderful about it is it happens so organically there’s no time for Very Special Episode weirdness. There’s no “OMG, Am I Gay?” anguish. Just a natural attraction that follows through in a positively adult way. Also, did I mention Abbi gets it on with Clea DuVall? Yeah, someone fulfilled all her childhood “But I’m a Cheerleader” childhood fantasies.


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:57 AM

    We live in a golden age of TV for sure. So golden that I never got around to watching this. Seems right up my alley, I should catch up

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Yeah Abbi was able to fulfill all of our lesbian dreams with that one. The flirt was so cute too:)
