Thursday, February 28, 2019

Our Shit Show

Money, the bane of all human existence, is at it again. Money, that made up concept we give value and allow to rule our lives, is said to be the reason the new season of “Wynonna Earp” has been delayed. It’s also the reason we’re all been gearing up to #FightForWynonna on Twitter for more than a weeks now.

IDW Entertainment, the studio that produces “Wynonna Earp,” is apparently very short on cash. So short that the company has not started shooting the new season, which normally would have started shooting or December or January – at the latest. Instead we’re all kind of sitting on our hands while IDW figures out how to pay for the two new seasons it promised to deliver to Syfy.

It put out a statement that basically said we love this show, yadda-yadda-yadda, but we broke or something:

“IDW is committed to continuing to tell the Wynonna Earp story. Much like the fans, we are passionate about not only the series, but the comics, the characters and the overall message that the Wynonna Earp franchise carries. We are in the process of working out the details for how the Wynonna story will continue and will share new details very soon.”
Now, fighting for our weird, endearing little shit show is nothing new for fellow Earpers. But it’s particularly disheartening when a show with such a committed, passionate and vocal fanbase has to basically beg, year after year, for more. What companies prioritize financially isn’t solely based on ratings or merit, and we all know it.

The constant instability shows like “Wynonna Earp” and “One Day At a Time” find themselves in is a reminder that it’s always a fight for some shows to survive – no matter how beloved.

Both “Wynonna Earp” and “ODAAT” are great woman-made, woman-fronted shows that highlight underrepresented voices to appreciative and often marginalized communities. We deserve more of both. But we’ll have to wait to see if we get it.


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:20 AM

    Although I have seen the new season twice already I have been leaving One Day At a Time running in the background while I’m home for them to get numbers... I don’t know if it helps...

  2. I second that. We need and deserve more woman-made, woman-fronted shows rather than merely struggling to keep from losing the ones we have.

  3. Anonymous7:36 PM

    If the shows make money they will make them. Orange is the New Black was a cash cow. Good quality wins out. And some great shows never find more than a niche audience. Its a numbers game. Studios won't continue with shows losing money just as the airlines cancel under performing routes. Cash is king.
