Friday, February 15, 2019

My Weekend Killer

GIVE IT TO ME. GIVE IT TO ME NOW. Words cannot adequately harness how fucking excited I am about the second season of “Killing Eve.” As soon as the creepy, ethereal “Addicted to Love” cover in this trailer started, I was instantly transported back to the show’s intoxicating aesthetic. The cat-and-mouse, lust-and-loathe obsession that these two have for each other is like nothing else on television right now. Sure, the world is garbage and our “president” is declaring fake emergencies for his racist vanity projects. But we have Eve and Villanelle and really large kitchen knives and the delicious visual paraphrasing of “love makes you do the wacky” to help us get through the day. And at least until April 7, may that be enough. Happy killer weekend, all.


  1. Carmen SanDiego9:33 AM

    April is gonna be amazing with this and Game of Thrones
    Have a great weekend DS

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Sandra Bullock???... Mrs Snarker, I think you mixed up your Sandras... ;D
