Thursday, December 13, 2018

It's Not A Bird, It's A Bat

So Batwoman/Kate Kane/Ruby Rose made her TV debut in the DC-verse this week. I have absolutely no idea what’s happening in the story because I never watched the CW superhero shows and quit “Supergirl” a bit ago because there’s only so much wishing and hoping you can do for Kara and Lena to taste the rainbow together. But I do know that Batwoman/Kate Kane/Ruby Rose sure looks the part. And, really, can there ever be enough badass, street-fighting lesbian superheroes on our TV? No, the answer is no.

So, thoughts those who are fans of the comic and/or well versed in the DC-CW land? How’d she do? Also, never mind Lena. Supergirl clearly has a new crush


  1. Carmen SanDiego8:00 AM

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention DS. I too have no idea what’s happening in the DC shows
    The “World’s Finest” was a nice touch at the end..
    The acting is still not great but eh, not a big deal. In general I liked it, it was better than I expected

  2. I especially love the last 40 seconds of this trailer featuring Batwoman meeting Supergirl, and would love it Batwoman and Supergirl tasted the rainbow together. I would also love it if there was much more positive female focus and screen-time in Supergirl and hope there will be in Batwoman. When watching on NetFlix I just fast-forward past the scenes about (ugh) men.

  3. The gayest (and best) DC show is definitely 'Legends of Tomorrow', which in it's current 4th season has 5 queer characters (+ 2 more unconfirmed). After a bad first season it stopped taking it's own premise too seriously and has grown into a delightful and critically acclaimed space-dramedy complete with killer unicorns, singing puppets, and a very healthy lesbian relationship featured front and centre. Unfortunately the ratings are bad so it'll probably be cancelled soon. Sigh.
