Thursday, December 20, 2018

Gender Fuck Thursday: Julia Edition

So every year The New York Times does this “Great Performances” series where they have the year’s biggest stars perform short scenes. This year Julia Roberts, fresh off her first TV series with “Homecoming,” is The Commuter who daydreams about being in full tux and tails on the subway. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Julia and her mega-watt smile in a full tuxedo like this. But I know I like it. Plus, who doesn’t love a little soft shoe?


  1. She's lovely - and I loved her in Homecoming - but no one reads newspapers on the subway. No one.

  2. Karen4:47 AM

    She does nothing for me. Never cared for her as an actress and don't find her attractive.

  3. Carmen SanDiego9:09 AM

    Thank you for always keeping me up to date on the “ladies wearing menswear” front, DS
    What would I do without you?
