Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Vote. For. Democrats. Dammit.

Please vote.

Please vote for Democrats.

Please vote for Democrats for your fellow LGBTQ people whose rights and very existence are being erased.

Please vote for Democrats for people of color whose votes are being suppressed and lives are being treated like they don’t matter.

Please vote for Democrats for women whose bodily autonomy is being stripped away and who are being killed by angry, entitled men who believe they are somehow owed sex.

Please vote for Democrats for immigrants whose dreams of a better life in a land of opportunity are being crushed and journeys are being vilified to rile up racists.

Please vote for Democrats for children who are still being ripped away from their parents and put in internment camps indefinitely.

Please vote for Democrats for Muslims who have been banned from entering our country simply for being Muslim.

Please vote for Democrats for students who don’t want to be gunned down while trying to learn.

Please vote for Democrats for people of faith who don’t want to be shot while they’re praying.

Please vote for Democrats for survivors of sexual assault who just want to be believed.

Please vote for Democrats for people with pre-existing conditions who don’t want to die so an insurance company can make even more money.

Please vote for Democrats for democracy, which is under assault daily from a fascist-loving demagogue with narcissistic personality disorder.

Please vote for Democrats for yourself, because you deserve so much better than this.

Please vote.


  1. Hayley6:14 AM

    Amen, sister!!!!!!!!

  2. Carmen SanDiego6:44 AM

    New citizen! Will be voting in a major election for the first time!

  3. Anonymous9:11 AM


    I am just so happy to know you are an intentional citizen and are excited to vote. Honestly, it brings tears of joy and hope to my eyes. I've been voting since 1975.

    Welcome to OUR country. (forgive me if that message seems too late...)

  4. Even though I'm registered independent (blank) in New York, I just voted Democrat across the board. Trump and the evil corrupt Republican hate machine has to be stopped.


  5. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I vote with the Green Party. The Democratic machine turned their back on me 20 years ago. The Dems interests lie with corporations and special interest groups sadly. No real change will ever happen until the two party system is disrupted.

  6. Anonymous6:47 PM

    The Big Blue Wave struck ! We got the House! I repeat per CNN: " we got the house!"

  7. Carmen SanDiego1:07 PM

    Thank you, Anonymous! In my original country we had decades of military dictatorship so I take voting very seriously. Happy to do it here too
