Wednesday, November 14, 2018

My Winter Song To You

Well, winter doesn’t officially start for another 37 days. But the weather here in California has taken a turn for the chilly. I even turned on the heat this week for the fist time. (Yeah, yeah – I know everywhere else, it doesn’t really get cold in California. But cold for us.) Plus, all the terrible smoke from the wildfires hasn’t helped either. (p.s. Climate change is real – we haven’t had significant rain here since May. MAY.) This time of year always brings along a kind of gorgeous melancholy. It’s bittersweet, the end of the growing season and beginning of a long, needed dormancy. The world becomes very still. There is a beautiful quiet about the season. Without the magnificence foliage of spring, summer and fall we are left with only the silhouettes are left. I will say I miss seeing snow. But the beauty of this state is it’s only a car ride away. And then I can drive back out, and never have to shovel out my car even once. See, other than everything being on fire, California ain’t half bad. May your impending winter bring you the same kind of calming joy. And may this, perhaps my favorite songs about winter, warm you throughout the season.


  1. Noooo Dorothy, don't do it.....Northern California has the Sierra Nevadan mountain range which gets plenty cold and frosty. We're up here, don't let everyone think it's all palm trees and orange groves! (I will grant you that we don't get those terrible ice storms/wind chill that the Mid-West and East coast do...thank god!) But in any event, I do love that song and have been cheerfully getting into the holiday spirit. :)

  2. Carmen SanDiego4:18 PM

    When I first moved to the USA I lived in Chicago. I do NOT miss the snow and the shoveling. LA, where i live now, is way nicer... hooray for California, the greatest state of all
