Thursday, November 08, 2018

Barefoot Shadetessa

I watch a lot of Food Network because I think I have delusions of grand chefdom. Also, food is cool. But I sometimes find myself wondering the political leanings of those I watch chop, boil and sauté. Like, does the Pioneer Woman believe in my fundamental right to marry the person I love? I mean, she homeschooled her kids, so there’s that. How about Guy Fieri? I get nervous around men who have more than two bowling shirts in their wardrobe. But I have to say I never worried about Ina Garten. The Barefoot Contessa has too many fabulous gay male friends who help her throw her fabulous garden parties in her fabulous Hamptons house to ever vote for that Hate Cheeto. Plus, like she’d ever serve her guests Cheetos.

So last week at a live event she told New York Times columnist and former restaurant critic Frank Bruni what she would serve some of today’s highest profile politicians:

Elizabeth Warren? “Lobster macaroni and cheese.”

Beto O’Rourke? “Pulled pork shoulder with maple beans, cornbread, and a kale salad.”

Joe Biden? “Something fun, like a lobster and clambake.”

Donald Trump? “A subpoena.”
Oh, Ina. You can come sit next to me at any dinner party ever. And, thanks to those election results, you just might get to serve Trump that subpoena yet.


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:32 AM

    She’s a firmer staff member of the White House Office of Management and Budget só she knows what she’s talking about

  2. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Omg that just made me so happy! I love watching her too so it’s nice to know that she feels that way:)

  3. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Besides working in the White House, her husband is a Dem politico.

  4. She is too stuffy for my tastes always talking about a Hamptons lifestyle etc. I prefer a home-cook like Sara from PBS. She makes weeknight meals. I have used several of her recipes
    . I also enjoy Valerie Bertenelli and Tsao's Chinese show. There is a Mexican chef Rick Baylis who is interesting to watch as he weaves in stories from his life in Mexico. Lots of good chefs out there. Still enjoy Jacque Peppin too though he is getting harder to find in my cable system.

  5. Ina Garten is fucking fabulous. As a Brit, I love the episode where she visits London and keeps saying 'bangers and mash', it's hilarious and totally adorable. Long live the Barefoot Contessa!
