Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Vagitarians Unite

Look, I don’t necessarily think women should start having their vags compete. But if we did this would be the ultimate vadge diss track. Also, I would be remiss to allow Awkwafina’s moment pass without recognizing she started as a rapped, yo. And I think we can all agree that a vagina is 50 times better than a cis straight white male’s penis. In fact, 50 is low. Way low.

p.s. Good luck explaining to your co-workers what song you’re humming today.


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:22 AM

    vagina is 500 times better than any penis. In fact, 500 is low. Please keep all penises away from me, thank you

  2. Anonymous8:33 AM

    That just made my morning. She is SO damned talented.

  3. citizen spot7:22 PM

    I think Margaret Cho beat her to the rap rhythm with her video "My Puss" from back in the day.
