Monday, October 15, 2018

Go Vote, Young Youth

The truth is, if Democrats are going to win in the midterms we’re going to have to get non-voters – particularly young people – to get out and vote. The other truth is there is no bottom low enough for Trump voters to stop supporting him. This isn’t about changing GOP voters’ minds. This is about finding people who don’t think their vote matters, or don’t think they have someone to vote for, or don’t care about voting period to actually get off the couch and cast a ballot. I don’t know what the answer is. When GOP voters happily vote against their own interests it makes things very hard. (Hey, how are those tariffs working out for you, blue collar America? Luxuriating in that extra $1.50 a week, working class white voters?) Anyway. Like I was saying, do you know any youths of voting age? Maybe talk with them and see if you can’t get them to register and vote. And even if you aren’t a youth, do you want these mean old fogies shaping our futures? Yeah, me either. Let’s like all our futures depend on it.


  1. Carmen SanDiego10:51 AM

    I am scared that we are not going to get a blue wave this time around, the whole supreme court thing energized their side a lot...

  2. You could start by assuming it isn't sheer laziness. People are busy, you know. It's old, retired people who have plenty of time in their hands. In fact, if you want to energize young voters, just tell them that if they don't make time for voting, somebody with one foot on the grave and not much to do almost certainly will find time for voting. "Dying zombies are upsetting the balance" works.

  3. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Young people voted for Obama in 2008. They haven't been out in mass since. In my office twenysomethings know more about the Kardashians and Cardi B. than whats happening politically. Sad.
