Monday, October 08, 2018

A Lisbeth By Any Other Name

Man, I must be getting rusty. I had no idea Claire Foy was playing Lisbeth Salander until the trailers started showing up on my TV. And now I’m intrigued. And that is because I’ve been intrigued with Lisbeth Salander for more than eight years now. With each new incarnation – from Noomi Rapace to Rooney Mara/Therese Belivet to now Queen Elizabeth II.

Now I haven’t read the book, so I have no idea what’s happening in this film. I see there appears to be another woman squaring off with Lisbeth who likes to wear red. So there’s that. And, I also see that there is some sort of lady-on-lady action happening. But I don’t think either woman is Lisbeth, unless she is either a) taller and has longer hair than appears, or b) covering up her signature dragon tattoo because it is not visible on all that back. Ahem.

So, thoughts? Who has read the book? And if you have read the book, how day is it? I ask the important questions because I care.


  1. Dorothy I read all the books when they were first published and since then when I have a difficult day I just dream that Lisbeth Salander is my girlfriend :)

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I wasn't keen on the new book - felt like they'd commercialised it to tick boxes. "We need a hot sexy blonde with ambiguous morals and sexuality" - check! Lisbeth was always the antithesis of that. Also, plot was predictable AF.
    Having said all that, will definitely be investigating Claire Foy in leather.

  3. Carmen SanDiego10:09 AM

    I only read the first book, couldn’t get past the gruesome rape description of the first chapter of the second book...
    I believe Claire will be a better Lisbeth than Rooney Mara, though
