Friday, August 17, 2018

My Weekend Crush

Sometimes, despite everything that is happening right now, you realize how lucky we are to be alive at this moment. I feel lucky to have I witnessed Barack Obama’s presidency. Was her perfect? No, no one is perfect. But to be even a small part of that kind of history and greatness, well, like I said – lucky. I feel lucky to have lived through such a sea change for LGBTQ Americans. Are we where we need to be yet? No, far from it. But now in all 50 states we can marry the person we love – so, you know, lucky.

I feel a similar good fortune when I think about Aretha Franklin. My, weren’t we lucky to have been alive during her reign? The Queen of Soul now belongs to the ages. Her majesty the stuff of legends and her voice the echoes of eternity. Because, believe you me, people will be listening to Aretha sing forever.

And, one day, people will ask: “Goodness, what it must have been like to be around when Aretha Franklin was alive?” See, like I was saying – lucky. Rest in power, Queen. Happy weekend, all.


  1. So true , have a beautiful weekend Dorothy.

  2. Anonymous8:32 AM

    If you didn't feel something with Ms. Franklin sang, you were dead. A lot of current "shouty" singers could take some notes from her, when to use power, phrasing, etc. So grateful we have her musical legacy to still enjoy.

  3. Carmen SanDiego8:33 AM

    Nothing but Respect for the Queen
    Have a great weekend DS. Hope we get to hear your thoughts on Crazy Rich Asians

  4. This brought tears to my eyes.
