Thursday, August 30, 2018

Gender Fuck Thursday: A Simple Favor Edition

Look, I do not know why Blake Lively wears what appears to be a series of impeccably tailored tuxedoes, waistcoats and suits in the trailer for “A Simple Favor.” But I also know not to look a gift suit in the mouth.

From its trailer, this movie is like “Gone Girl” meets “Single White Female,” but with suits! Obviously if I was Anna Kendrick, I would grant whatever simple favor Blake wanted – but only if she was wearing one of those suits. Hey, favors aren’t free.

This is also the film that inspired this brilliant “Therese and Carol but modern” tweet.

And, well, you can see why.


  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

    I’m not going to lie I had a show on for background noise while I was multitasking and this preview came on and I immediately rewound it as I yelled to an empty room HUH WAIT WHAT HUH?!?! I am into it.

  2. Carmen SanDiego8:41 AM

    Totally modern day Therese and Carol.
    I’ll grant whatever favor she needs.

  3. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Let's not forget the kiss between the two characters.
