Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Write What You Know

Well, now, isn’t this a treat. A period piece prestige drama featuring a high-profile star about a real-life female trailblazer who also happened to be bisexual woman who had long-term relationships with other women and does not appear to be shying away from the gay bits. Like I said, a rare treat. Sure, I’m not crazy about all the dude taking credit for a woman’s work stuff – but then women have been not crazy about dudes taking credit for their work since, I don’t know, the beginning of time. What I am crazy about is seeing Keira Knightley play the fascinating Noble Prize nominated French author Colette. It’s also a reminder that the issues we face today, they’re not new. Sure, some things have changed and even for the better. But the struggle to be seen as equal, to be given respect and to be allowed to be exactly who we are in this world is always with us. Oh, and Keira should always, always wear suits like that. Always.


  1. Looking forward to this, has always enjoyed the books of Colette and like you said Keira in the suit is a treat :)

  2. Fantastic movie and great suits! Ty Amazon Prime video lol.
