Tuesday, July 17, 2018

RBG Forever

Look, I don’t know much, but I know we have to protect Ruth Bader Ginsburg at all costs. Like is there some kind of special spell we could cast, my wiccan friends? I’m equal parts asking and begging. After a documentary about the remarkable RBG came out earlier this year, now there’s a biopic about her early years starring Felicity Jones as the woman herself. And, again, it is a reminder that the things we consider ancient history are far from ancient or history. In her 85 years, RBG has seen – and helped lead – a practical revolution for women in this country. And we should all be damned if her hard work and advocacy is allowed to slip away under this abysmal administration. So, like I was saying, everyone join hands and grow our RBG protection circle.


  1. Carmen SanDiego8:50 AM

    RBG can have all my organs. Including the ones I’m using right now.

  2. Carmen SanDiego8:53 AM

    But seriously, it’s mind boggling to think how much progress with women’s rights happened in my parent’s lifetime. To think that we may lose all that is... there are no words.
