Friday, July 13, 2018

My Weekend Fuck Donald Trump

Look, us Friends of Dorothy have known forever that Donald Trump is a bad person. None of us had to be convinced of his greed or his narcissism or his cruelty or his ignorance. None of us were bamboozled by his bluster or his “billions.” Us queers knew, even way back when, that he was a monster. And we let it be known. In fact, you could say, we warned you.

Need proof? Well, how about this 1989 protest by ACT UP at Trump Tower. Yes, you read that right, 1-9-8-9. Almost 30 years ago queer activists were out there telling the world that this man was garbage. Absolute and complete garbage.

Now that we’ve gotten where we are, with Trump on the verge of appointing his second lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, I can’t help but think what is Straight White America had listened when we warned them? What is Straight White America had heeded the desperate plea of vulnerable communities (your POC neighbors, your immigrant neighbors, your Muslim neighbors, your female neighbors, your LGBTQ neighbors) instead of being disinterested in our fates. What is Straight White America had cared about what happened to us as much as themselves?

Well, we’ll never know. But we can only hope, as his horrible, terrible man gets to turn back the legal landscape in our country for at least the next generation, that they’ve learned their lesson. Happy weekend and Fuck Donald Trump, all.


  1. Carmen SanDiego8:40 AM

    First of all, fuck trump
    Second, I’m scared that this SCOTUS thing will bring the republicans to the polls and we won’t have the blue wave we were expecting. Worried...

  2. Osiris12:28 PM

    Not a fan of Trumps antics but can't complain about his handling of the economy. I haven't felt this good about it in 10 years. Unemployment is close to an all time low. Now his social politics are another story !#

  3. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Fuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuu Trump! Thanks DS :)

  4. Trump is indeed an extremely horrible person - a greedy narcissistic cruel ignorant monster. Damn him to hell - and the sooner the better. His violations of the Constitution and of international law, and the brazenness and extent of his corruption are outrageous and shock the conscience. It's too bad Trump doesn't have a conscience. Any congress person who fails to vote for his impeachment should be impeached themselves. Fuck Trump - with a rocket headed for the sun.

    To "Osiris" (second commenter): The economy sucks for anyone who's not already rich or a war contractor. Those unemployment numbers are a total scam, believed only by the feebleminded. They don't count the skyrocketing numbers of people whose unemployed whose benefits have expired, or of the homeless, or countless others. The books are cooked to make the administration look less heartless than it actually is. They disregard that millions of the working poor, even working multiple jobs, have wages that are so low they're starving, have no heat and worse - starvation wages. Trump spent 700 billion dollars on weapons manufacturers, bombs, missiles warplanes, spying and torture, cut the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent, and then set out to balance the budget on the backs of the poor. Trump and his reptilian buddies are trying to cut out food stamps for the poor and cut medicaid for crippled people if they can't work for it, etc., etc., etc.. While Trump hands out taxpayer money as kickbacks to his corporate contributors poor people are starving and can't afford to go tho a dentist. If you think Trump's handling of the economy is good you're either incredibly ignorant (try to tear yourself away from Fox Noise) or else you're one of Trump's mean spirited trolls... Or a Trump Bot. You CAN AND SHOULD complain about Trump's screwing of the economy and everyone who's not rich or corrupt.. He's saddling future generations with an incredible amount of debt while he and his rich and corrupt buddies are looting the money and visiting the poor.

  5. I meant to say Trump and his rich and corrupt buddies are looting the money and RAPING the poor - in Trump's case, sometimes literally. He's a serial sexual harasser, child molester, and rapist: Huffington Post: Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored
