Wednesday, July 04, 2018

America! America! America!

I can think of nothing more patriotic on this Fourth Of July than encouraging Americans to get involved in our political system. Be that voting, volunteering, donating or running for office yourself, do something. Democracy is not a spectator sport. And, as we have seen since January 2017, if not carefully tended and rigorously watched over, our democracy can be compromised. And compromised quite easily, as this past week has shown us. The sense of security we have had for far too long about the moral arc of the universe always bending toward justice has been revealed as overly optimistic. It won’t bend unless we make it bend. That means everyone must reach out and grab hold and fight for what we believe this country should be with all of our might.

Which brings me to today’s post. This is a very good political ad. I know I have been posting a couple of these lately, but it is only to highlight some of the great, smart, and female candidates running for office this year. MJ Hegar is running against a Tea Party Republican in Texas. She served as a major in the US Air Force and the Air National Guard and completed three tours of duty in Afghanistan. She also has one of the very best political ads I’ve seen in a long time. And even if you don’t live in Texas and get to vote for her, I hope you are getting excited about voting these bastards out and finally putting a check on the ignorant, hateful, corrupt asshole in the Oval Office. We can vote them out, and we can replace them with people like MJ Hegar.

For the love of all that is good, please register and vote in the midterms. I am not above begging.


  1. Carmen SanDiego5:12 AM

    I’m so exhausted, so discouraged since the SCOTUS news. Sigh. Happy birthday America

  2. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Sometimes it's necessary to scratch where it doesn't itch so we shake up commun sense and privilege:

  3. Thank you for posting this! This is an amazing ad and an amazing woman and human being! I just donated to her campaign, all the way from California! This is inspiring and helpful. Thanks again.

  4. Anonymous9:09 AM

    God bless our great country on this Indepedence Day.

  5. Winston1:58 PM

    Get involved in politics? No way in hell sister, that's the problem. It's a rigged bs game, a dog and pony show, in which the fourth estate has vanished in favor of mainstream propaganda masquerading as our "news". We are the number one terrorist nation on the planet, make no mistake. Ask the thousands of families destroyed by our drone program. We are involved in the longest running war in our history with no end in sight, we have a crumbling infrastructure and no jobs. Healthcare is an absolute shame. We have the most people incarcerated in prison, in the world!!! We have destroyed the Middle East, look at Libya, and continue to help Israel actively commit genocide against Palestine. Suicide rates are at an all time high and we have destroyed thousands of our own---- our veterans, duped by propaganda and outright lies, give their lives to perpetuate this farcical war on "terror" and then get treated like shit when they return. It's awful. We are despised around the world, make no mistake.

    And you think the system still works? Wtf people? Voting is the answer? Are you serious!!!?? My! Get out and engage in civil disobedience, non-violent civil disobedience. Perpetuating this failed system is to ensure our demise. Does anyone engage in critical thinking anymore, wow....

    We have absolutely nothing to celebrate. Nothing. Civil disobedience is all we have left. Participating in politics is to perpetuate the hell we live in. Two party politics is not what the founding fathers (and mothers) intended. At all. And this isn't a democracy, it's a constoruonal republic. And a failed one at that.

  6. Karen6:56 PM

    Get off your high horse. This is the greatest country in the world Winston. People risk life to get here. Despite a few problens theres no greater land Id rather be. USA ! USA! USA !

  7. Winston6:03 AM

    Karen, high horse? I mention a fraction of the truth, the truth, and I'm talking down to you, or I'm arrogant? Logically that makes no sense and ignoring reality for some grade school fantasy of America is pathetic and will only serve to continue the endless war and suffering we create globally. Ask the family of anwar alwaki if I'm on my " high horse". Ask the family of the teenager who was murdered via Israeli snipers last month, ask the detainees at abu graib. We are reeking havoc and mayhem all over the Middle East. To condone that is horrific. You realize we are involved in "shadow wars" in Africa! Vote on that did you?
    And I haven't even mentioned the disasters we have right on our own soil. How's that opioid epeidemic where you live? It's a fucking horror show here where I live !!!! Love sriined on a daily basis. Not many people clamoring to move here I can tell you. No jobs, no healthcare but cheap heroin.

    Your cheerleading leads me to believe you aren't really paying attention. I love this country too, more than you know, but to go along with the current agenda is simply unamerican. We have devolved into an oligarchy, and a dumbed down one at that. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves.

  8. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Oh man, thanks DS, I needed to watch another kick ass lady running, even if it’s not a state I live in. I love love love her ad!
