Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The American Tales

I am still trying to decide if I’m going to watch the second season of “The Handmaid’s Tale.” It’s not that I disliked the first season, far from it. This is a well filmed, well acted, well written show – of that there is no doubt. My decision is not based on its merits, but whether I can stomach it. Some shows are hard to watch because they’re so unblinkingly realistic. And some shows are so hard to watch because they’re uncomfortably close to being unblinkingly realistic. And “The Handmaid’s Tale” is, very unfortunately, in the latter category. In so many ways, it cuts too close to the bone with our current political climate. Granted, it’s the resistance that is meant to inspire us. But, still, with headlines testing the levels of our incredulity in this endless hellscape of a news cycle, sometimes I wonder how much more I can take – even fictional bad news. But then again, it is very well filmed, acted and written and features out queer characters and women. So, you know, how can I not? So in about two weeks when it returns April 25, will you be watching? Or is the news each day more than enough of that?


  1. Carmen SanDiego8:20 AM

    I love the idea of the show, I love the actresses (particularly Samira Wiley) and its very well produced but I couldn’t get past episode 3 of last season. Just couldn’t.

  2. I also stopped watching because I couldn't take it. The show is all the things that make a great show but I just also just couldn't anymore...even though I was told that the rest of the season got easier to watch.

  3. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Yeah I was really excited for it, but then I was watching it and I just...couldn't anymore. I really want to but it just hits a little too close to home in the current political climate.

  4. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Totally understandable. I watch it because I love Elizabeth Moss and especially Margarot Atwood and would marry her tomorrow if she asked (proud Canadian here). But it's a tough story to witness, even for those of us not living in the US. (Also super proud that Canada is a safe haven in the show). When I'm watching a show I'm sensitive to, I find it helps to read the recaps first and watch it on demand later. The show is so well done that spoiling the plot points doesn't take away from the experience at all.
