Friday, March 16, 2018

My Weekend Crush

There were so many things to love about “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.” Strong female characters. Diverse class. The last time we’ll see Carrie Fisher on the big screen. But one of the things I didn’t notice the first time I saw it was the adorableness of Laura Dern. Sure, Vice Admiral Holdo was a badass, lavender hair hero. We all know that. But only those who look very closely know what Holdo also say “Pew! Pew!” when firing her blaster. “Star Wars: TLJ” director Rian Johnson revealed in the special features commentary that Laura kept saying, “Pew!” when she fired her gun. It’s something she confessed to while on Stephen Colbert as well.

Look, I loved me some Laura Dern before. But “Pew! Pew!”-ing her way through an actual “Star Wars” movie has me loving her to a galaxy far, far away and back. Happy pew-pew weekend, all.

p.s. Laura isn’t alone, Hayden Christensen and Ewan McGregor both confessed to making lightsaber sounds like filming their Jedi fight scenes.

1 comment:

  1. Carmen SanDiego5:12 PM

    I would totally make “pew pew”and lightsaber sounds too! After all I’ve been doing that my whole life!
    Have a great weekend DS
