Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Doctor Feels Brilliant

Ugh, is it fall yet? The more they tease us with little tidbits of the Thirteenth Doctor, the more excited I get.

I’m into it all. The coat, the boots, the suspenders, the rainbow top, the multiple ear piercings. Oh, yeah, you know I love those piercings.

And now this new logo. Yep, I’m in. Bring on The Doctor. And the creeping excitement you feel thinking about watching a female Doctor on TV for the fist time? Yeah, that it is a reminder that representation always matters.

p.s Straight white dudes feel like this all the time and they still aren’t happy with the world? Sheesh.


  1. Oh , brilliant Dorothy:) She is such an amazing actress and can't wait for this.

  2. Anonymous7:36 AM

    So thrilled for her!

  3. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I might actually watch this show now.

  4. Carmen SanDiego8:49 AM

    Guess who’s gonna start watching again for the first time since Tennant left?

  5. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I'm sorry but doesn't her outfit look like Steve Urkel? Totes excited, but Urkel is all I can see.

  6. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Yes I think she looks ridiculous also. Not fond of the look.
