Wednesday, January 03, 2018

The Badass Is Out There

So, let’s be perfectly frank, the X-Files reboot from two years ago sucked. It really, really sucked. It suuuuuuuuuuuucked. But, here’s the rub. I love Gillian Anderson. Like I really, really love her. Like I looooooooooooove her. And while the new “X-Files” is nowhere near the quality of “The Fall” or “American Gods,” I still feel an obligation to watch whatever impending train wreck of conspiracy theories they put out. Like I’ve invested this much into the damn show, maybe I really should see it to the end (this is the end, right? Please?)

Anyway, no matter how bad it gets (and, I have no doubt it will be bad), at least we have the glorious scene of Agent Dana Scully sliding under a table and then unleashing hot lead on a bunch of bad dudes (fast forward to 1:29 if you just can’t wait). The badass is out there, and it ain’t Mulder.


  1. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Totally feel the same about X-Files. Also, I would watch Gillian Anderson watch paint dry.

  2. Carmen SanDiego6:11 AM

    Gillian is responsible for my love of redheads and pantsuits. But yes please let this be the end

  3. Nothing is near the quality of The Fall.

  4. Last night's premiere was sooooo bad.

  5. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Gillian has said that she's done with the role. She has dyed her hair blonde and lost lots of weight. Not a good look. Hope she is not anorexic.

    1. Her hair is naturally blonde. She wore a red wig for last 2 seasons.
