Monday, November 20, 2017

Saving Maura Pfefferman

Recast Maura Pfefferman with a trans actress.
Recast Maura Pfefferman with a trans actress.
Recast Maura Pfefferman with a trans actress.
Recast Maura Pfefferman with a trans actress.
Recast Maura Pfefferman with a trans actress.

And, once more, for the people in the back - recast Maura Pfefferman with a trans actress.

p.s. I have a lot more to say about this in a guest column for The Hollywood Reporter you can read right here.


  1. Carmen SanDiego6:44 AM

    She's the only reason I watch. If they don't recast Maura I'm done. A show about the rest of the family would be close to unbearable.

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Never liked the idea of recasting an actor. Why not just hire a new trans actress for another part and kill off the character? Recasting usually does not sit well with viewers.

  3. Karen4:56 PM

    The show has jumped the shark anyway.

  4. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Why would a replacement actor need to be trans? The show is a fictional account, not a documentary, right?

  5. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I have to say I was super disappointed that Tambov turned out to be one of those guys, I used to be proud that he was a speaker at my college graduation, but not anymore. I loved your Hollywood Reporter column DS!
