Monday, May 29, 2017

Always Ready, Always Hot

Happy Memorial Day, kittens. Here in the United States we spend the day not working/paying tribute to those who died serving in our armed forces. While I’m no fan of the military industrial complex, I fully appreciate those who serve and honor those who pay the ultimate price. So as a gay lady I thought, what better way to celebrate the day than to salute one of our favorite fictitious lesbian soldiers? So thank you for your imaginary service, Captain Tasha Williams. “The L Word” is such an interesting time capsule. And perhaps nowhere is that more evident than Tasha’s “Don’t’ Ask, Don’t Tell” storyline. Progress is hard earned and all too easily lost. Perhaps it’s a reminder of what we fight for in the first place.

And with that, a grateful nation takes a look back at Capt. Williams.

She could be serious.

So serious.

Even serious about her churros.

But then that smile would break out.

Or she’d get on her bike.

Or wear her dress uniform.

And, hello. Swoon.

I think this private speaks for us all.

Always ready, always hot.


  1. Tasha on her bike - something to swoon about :). Have a good Memorial Day Dorothy.

  2. Carmen SanDiego10:22 PM

    I guess it's time for an L word rewatch
    Hope you enjoyed your holiday DS

  3. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I sure did love Tasha!

  4. Selket9:23 AM

    I think I already told you this, but when Don't ask don't tell was repealed, my first thought was to Tasha and Alice. I'm not American and I don't live in the States...but I guess that is why representation matters, to help us understand and love each other better. Btw, I already watched WW! Ieyyy
