Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Cate x 13

Welcome to the new world order. But, rest assured, even in our new horrible reality Cate Blanchett is still magnificent – and a wee bit weird. Today her new experimental film “Manifesto” debuts at the Sundance Film Festival. The film is based on an video art instillation where Cate played several different roles. It reminds me a tad of that art installation where Tilda Swinton slept in a glass box – but much more caffeinated obviously. The film uses the manifestos of artists, filmmakers, architects and the likes as dialogue and has the actress plays 13 different characters. They include a school teacher, a construction worker, a news anchor, a homeless man and a punk rocker – among others. I mean, we all knew the lady had range, but this is truly something. But, hey, anything that allows me to stare at Cate’s face for 94 unblinking minutes is fine by me.


  1. Carmen SanDiego7:54 PM

    I'm in. I'll watch Cate in anything

  2. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Saw this in Melbourne. Strange, but interesting. Wall to wall Cate Blanchett can't be a bad thing.

  3. I've seen some of this already, it's on at the Art Gallery of NSW in Sydney and I'm headed back for more this week before it closes. It is, as you would imagine, sublime.
