Friday, December 16, 2016

My Weekend Crush

[Click to Embiggen the Queer Ladies Saying GTFO]

I’ve decided that my aesthetic for 2017 is going to be Queer Women Calmly Dismissing Dudes Who Can’t Take a Fucking Hint. Like, ladies, we have all been there. We have all endured this exact same situation. We have all been interrupted when we are just trying to enjoy each other’s company. Yes, all queer women. In fact, all women – period. But you know what, in this Grab ‘Em By The Pussy Age we have to be even more resolute in standing our ground. Men who are not invited into our spaces need to get the fuck out. So, dudes, you are officially on notice. Speak when spoken to. Interject when invited. But do not assume your presence is exactly what’s missing whenever a woman, two women, a group of women are sitting somewhere. Because, in fact, in almost every instance the exact opposite it true. Yes, dudes. Really. Happy weekend, all – but especially all you ladies.


  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    ha! love the collage

  2. Carmen San Diego5:22 AM

    Dudes are so annoying. The older I get the less patience I have for them

  3. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I hate men too Carmen. Wish theyd all go extinct.

    1. Then the human race will go extinct and the world will be run by dogs, cats, and bunnies.
      OK, that doesn't sound too bad. All hail Fido.

    2. Jackie6:01 AM

      I think its harmful to hate any particular group. If you hate something or someone they have control of your emotions. I think what Dorothy was getting at is letting women socialize amongst without interference. Dont butt in when not invited. I have many nephews, brothers and male friends in my life who make my world a more interesting place and who I love dearly. This is directed at the egomaniac guys who feel like they are the Sun, moon and stars. Sometimes people just enjoy the company of their own kind.

  4. Have to say that Honorable Mention goes to Anjelica Huston in Grifters. Her character wasn't queer but her solution to the idiot male invading her space made me cheer!

  5. Anonymous8:06 AM

    This is a trope I can get behind. Thank you.
