Friday, December 23, 2016

My Weekend Christmas

I have watched this almost every Christmas for, well, decades. It’s filled with joy, wonder and sweet melancholy – often just like the holidays themselves. May this season be filled with so much joy, all of the wonder and just the sweetest (and gentlest) of melancholy. Merry Christmas or happy whatever you celebrate this season. And have a very merry weekend, all.


  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours Dorothy.
    May this Christmas bring you peace and joy and hope for the future.

  2. Anonymous4:00 AM

    I love Christmas always have. Enjoy making mulled wine with neighbors. Since I live alone I spend the day listening to the Yule
    Log and knitting.

  3. I never saw this!!! Thank you for the treat and for all of your posts. I enjoy reading every day.

  4. Carmen sanDiego7:55 AM

    Happy whatever it is that you celebrate, DS
    I love you and your posts and I can't wait to see your writing on Autostradddle

  5. Anonymous12:12 PM

    This movie is based on a beautifully illustrated children's book with no words. It's lovely, and I highly recommend both the film and book for the children or young at heart in your life. Happy holidays!

  6. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I much prefer this version darling:


  7. Wishing you a Christmas and holiday time filled with peace and love. You are welcome to join me in sunny South Africa for the day :) Thank you Dorothy for your marvellous blog , every day I look forward to reading it.

  8. When this was released on the American market, they did an intro with David Bowie. The American distributor felt it needed a celebrity to give i ta necessary push. The film won an Oscar for best animated film in 1982. So sad that the director, Dianne Jackson, died so young. She was incredible. That flying sequence with "Walking in the air..." *sigh* I watch it every Xmas too.
