Monday, December 05, 2016

Just Like The First Time

Have you seen this? I saw the trailer for “The First Girl I Loved” what seems like ages ago (yes, that’s how long ago September seems – forever and all my hope ago). And I was intrigued. But then I forgot it existed because, you know, the world. And now it’s available for download exactly when I could use a little worthy distraction. So, again, I ask – have you seen this? The cast certainly looks good. There’s out actress Brianna Hildebrand (but, ooooof, that wig – too bad she couldn’t just go with her “Deadpool” cut). And I even see a glimpse of Cameron Esposito. Plus there is the whole evoking those totally relatable obsessive first lady love feelings thing. But then there’s that boy. Ugh, there’s always a boy. So, once more with feelings, have you seen this? And should I?


  1. I really really liked it. The boy is annoying, but he worked for me because of the high incidence of unintended pregnancies among lesbian young women (note: I'm an LGBTQ researcher). That is, the relationship with him helped me understand better how/why young lesbians might be at risk.

    I'm assuming you've seen the San Leandro ep of Black Mirror, right? I can't remember if you've discussed it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes watch it (if you haven't already), I personally think it's the best lesbian coming of age film since Show Me Love, which was 18 years! So film has come of age! The score is great, it's beautifully shot, incredibly authentic and the performances are excellent. The writer/director gets teenagers and their voice and awkwardness. He was inspired to tell a coming out story after his younger sister came out to him.

    And yes, Brianna's wig is bad (eek), but if you watch the film, you'll see her shaved head would not have suited the character one iota.

    And I know you, like me, fought for people to see The Kids Are All Right for an individual story (a great one) and not just another film with a dangerous trope. You have to judge art on its individual merits I think, and First Girl I Loved is a good one.

    Hope that helps! I'll be keen to know what you think.
