Thursday, November 10, 2016


Forgive me. Today I cannot find the words. I hurt and I know you do, too. Be good to each other. Be kind whenever you can. Now we pick ourselves up and we keep trying. It’s the only thing we can do. It’s the only way we can ever change.


  1. I woke up this morning still feeling empty and sad.

    For what it is worth, HRC did get more votes than the other. If only more people had gone out and voted.
    She did not deserve her career to end this way. Sucks.

    Hugs to you Dorothy.

  2. Franzi4:57 AM

    Hi Ms Snarker!

    I'm so incredibly sorry for all US citizens that the majority of the voting population just voted against their best interest.
    I'm not really a fan of HRC - would have prefered Bernie much more just because of his voting track record, the way he financed his campaign and not having to deal with all these scandals - but in comparision to Trump HRC would have been SO MUCH BETTER!

    Since I'm from Germany their stance on foreign policy was the most important issue to me in this election and now I'm really truly scared for all of us worldwide. HRC simply would have been Obama 2.0 in that regard and that would have been more than enough for me.
    Now we simply have to hope that we survive the next 4 years.

    I do hope that you guys won't give up and continue to fight to become a better society despite this setback.


  3. I got up early in South Africa to celebrate with you and then saw the disaster unfold. I just immediately thought of you Dorothy and the other Americans who share your values. Please stay strong and when the hurt is better you will all fight back - as Hillary said in her speech yesterday. Love to you and your fellow Americans who saw her true values.

  4. Carmen SanDiego5:45 AM

    I canceled my appointments for the day and just stayed home with my dog. It was a rough time and I needed that

  5. Anonymous6:02 AM

    There is nothing better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time. — Malcolm X

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    What a wounded victim mentality you are displaying. Then again you've never been particularly proactive in any matter that doesn't involve you begging for your reader's money, in a whiny fashion.

  7. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Hey ass hat at 9:38am, this is a free site with no advertisements so you seem to be confused as DS does not ask for money nor is she paid for this site.

    DS thank you for all of your lovely writing and although I too am sad and feeling disheartened I know that we are stronger together and we can overcome anything the next 4 years brings.

  8. The first person I thought of when I heard the news was you. I wanted to hug you and console you because I knew the pain would be strong. In reading your posts, my heart just breaks for you. You have lifted up so many of us every single day and we are ever so grateful. Please know that we're here to lift you up and help get you through this difficult time. For now, here is a video of kittens playing in a cardboard house...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Why isnt anyone proposing to do away with the electoral college? We won the popular vote the electoral college stole the election. Dont understand why we have it anymore. Its 2016!

  11. Dear Dorothy. I’m from Portugal. And I’m deeply deeply sad. That's how I was the minute I turned on the television at 6am yesterday. That’s how I spent my day. That’s how I feel. I sadly know that there are people who think like Trump and stand for what he stands for. And I know, perhaps not less sadly, that some people who feel forgotten and angry may have voted for him in protest and in cry for change (no-matter-what-change?). And I heard, throughout the day, comments like "It was in America," "Americans are crazy," and "I’s indifferent to me." But it was with us. It is us. When a man presents himself proudly treating women, immigrants, foreigners, that is… people, humanity, as he treats, it is us, in the smallest and least dignified aspect, that he represents (we all know the instinct to separate ourselves, to differentiate ourselves, to isolate ourselves, whenever we feel strangeness or we feel threatened, when we know deep down that’s not the path ...). When there’s an election there’s a victory. But I find no one to congratulate, if it seems to me that it was humanity, which even Trump is a part of, that has lost. Yesterday, for the whole day, I lost faith in us. But I know we're better than this. And we have a duty to remember this when we vote and when we live. Just like you, dear Dorothy. Take a break. And then keep doing what you do, that is, just being the decent, fair and proud human being you are. The sun rises every day.

  12. Florence11:29 AM

    I live in Belgium. I woke up at 4am (GMT+1) to watch the American election thinking it would all go smoothly for Hillary Clinton. I was excited for her to become the first female American president, the president of the most powerful country in the world. What a huge symbol! And then I spent the next two hours in front of my computer screen, completely horrified. I'm sorry and terrified for you guys, for all the terrible policies Trump is going to be enacting. I'm angry at all those idiots who didn't even bother to vote, who didn't think it was important enough to get their ass out of the couch. I'm sorry. But you'll get through this. We will get through this.
