Friday, November 25, 2016

My Weekend Crush

Dearests. Holiday season has officially begun. Which also means it is also officially “Carol” season. Look, if The Straights can endlessly watch a story about a boy who shoots his eye out every Christmas, we gay ladies can relive the beautiful ache of two women falling in love over a pair of gloves. So enjoy your seasonal rewatch – and rewatch and rewatch and rewatch some more. May you find what you’re looking for – stretched out before you like a perpetual sunrise – this holiday season. You never know who could be starting back over that department store counter. Happy weekend and watching, all.


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    And don't forget that you can pick up another gay lady's Christmas album who was famous for playing a famous fictional Carol -

  2. I totally support the movement for more Carol watching.

  3. Jenna6:53 AM

    Wasnt a fan of "Carol" sorry. My favorite Christmas movie is "Elf"

  4. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Blasphemy! What in the holy hell were you people watching. Loved. Loved. Loved. Carol. Sigh.....

  5. Anon @11:40 PM

    There are a whole bunch of people who had this weird idea that the 50s weren't that bad, and almost exactly like, maybe, the 90s, maybe? They're the ones who call Carol "dull" and "boring" and say other things like, "I just didn't feel, like, they had any, y'know, chemistry."

    ...and now Trump and his merry little alt right and screwloose GOP elves are gonna revisit the '50s on America.

    I think Carol might end up with some extra sympathy. Suddenly, and like, maybe.

  6. If you didn't like it and/or thought Carol and Therese had no chemistry, you weren't paying attention. : )
