Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Ooey-Gooey Godness

So besides that “Lemonade” spoof on this weekend’s “Saturday Night Live” by far the best moment of the night was Emily Blunt making Kate McKinnon break – ever so slightly – during a skit. This moment is glorious on so many levels. The first is that Kate rarely breaks character, even a little. So this is a rare sight indeed. The second is that, hello, was this hot or what? Like, I cannot be the only gay lady who sat up a little and was like, “Why, hello.” Is it possible to ship something after only 23 seconds? Look, Kate may not want Emily’s ooey-gooey, yummy-yummy delicious quesadilla. But how about her pink taco? Ay-oh!

See the whole skit here yourself. Have we decided on a shipper name? Kemily? McBlunt?


  1. PAGANANGL12:35 AM

    And how about that reeeeaaalllyy long hug at the end of the night. Was it just my imagination that they sought each other out?!

  2. Carmen SanDiego8:59 AM

    Mc blunt!

  3. Lol, that was adorable.
